<![CDATA[Sales & Customer Service Training]]> https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/category/customer-service-training <p>Our sales and customer service training courses will assist your team to improve the customer experience and achieve your business goals.</p> en Thu, 13 Mar 2025 21:19:32 +0000 Essential Sales Skills Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/essential-sales-skills-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/essential-sales-skills-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 2 days</strong></p> <p>This Essential Sales Skills Training workshop explores the fundamental sales skills for internal or external sales staff that are essential in the modern marketplace. We would amend content according to the business sector and the individual requirements of the organisation we are working with; the list below is therefore typical of the content that may be covered.</p> <p>Regardless of content, we believe that for a course to be successful it needs to be engaging and interactive, and this in turn means it will involve humour and delegates enjoying themselves.Training simply shouldn't be boring!</p> <p>We also welcome the opportunity to work with our clients and develop methods of ensuring that, whilst being enjoyable, the training was worthwhile and of tangible benefit to the individual and the organisation.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p> </p> <p><strong>Inter-personal:</strong></p> <p><strong>The role of the sales person. </strong>An opening session defining job roles and boundaries, defining 'selling' and what it means to people, and why it sales so often has a bad name in our culture.</p> <p><strong>The Relationship Cycle. </strong>The journey that a sales person takes with a customer from the first meeting, finding common ground, building rapport all the way to the advocacy stage.</p> <p><strong>Customer Key Drivers. </strong>Dependent upon the products or services being sold, we explore what customers <span style="text-decoration: underline;">really</span> want and why, as sales people, we often don't understand these 'Key Drivers'.</p> <p><strong>The Perception of Value. </strong>Proving that being 'expensive' is usually subjective and the importance of not discounting because of your own perceptions.</p> <p><strong>Character Type Recognition. </strong>An introduction to this fascinating tool which helps delegates to both understand themselves better, and their customers. This leads on to how to modify their own behaviour, often only slightly, but usually to great effect. This session harnesses the power of Clarity 4D, and delegates frequently tell us that this was one of the most interesting and useful parts of the course!</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Sales Skills</strong></p> <p><strong>Differentiating yourself from the completion. </strong>Whilst maintaining integrity and understanding your market reputation.</p> <p><strong>Pushing and Pulling. </strong>Providing delegates with 'reasons to say no' when asked for discounted price. Knowing when and where to discount and gaining advantage from doing so.</p> <p><strong>Negotiation Styles. </strong>Establishing individual negotiation styles, and examining Passive, Passive Aggressive, Aggressive and Assertive behaviours and how these affect the way people will deal with you.</p> <p><strong>Handling Objections. </strong>Knowing what to say when you meet resistance and the difference between an objection and a rejection.</p> <p><strong>Closing the Sale. </strong>In our very British way, many sales people are reluctant to ask for the order and close the sale. This session looks the reasons for this and suggests some practical ways to close the sale and take the order out of the market place.</p> <p><strong>Up selling and cross selling. </strong>If relevant to our customer, we can bespoke a session covering this sales activity, plus the all important add-on sale.</p> <p><strong>Dealing with complaints. </strong>A step-by-step guide to successful complaint handling, and dealing with difficult negotiations and situations.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>An open forum is used to encourage best practice and celebrate success or address specific concerns or fears. Action Planning is also encouraged to demonstrate what needs to be done differently.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Essential Sales Skills ?</strong></h4> <p> </p> <p>Individuals and teams that are involved with selling to your customers, we can adapt course content to suit the experience and job specifications of our delegates.</p> <p>If you would like more information about Essential Sales Skills, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Sales Training for Representatives https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/sales-training-for-representatives https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/sales-training-for-representatives <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 2-4 days depending on customer requirements</strong></p> <p>This in depth Sales Training for Representatives course will enhance the expertise used by existing sales representatives and provide new concepts and techniques to make the most of their sales visits. It has been designed to be engaging and interactive and will explore the fundamental skills that are essential in the modern sales environment. This includes how to be sure that the majority of sales meetings  are successful, building rapport and how to engage the customer in product lines and services.</p> <p>We would seek to work closely with any organisation considering Sales Training for Representatives, to ensure that we make this workshop as relevant as possible and fully reflect the needs of the business. Typically many of the following topics would be included: </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Inter-personal:</strong></p> <p><strong>The role of the Sales representative. </strong>An initial session confirming what is required of a Sales Representative. Depending upon sector and organisation, this often includes the importance of gaining new business and avoiding the trap of turning in to an accounts manager who embarks on a weekly 'milk-round'.</p> <p><strong>The Relationship Cycle. </strong>The journey that a Sales representative will take with a customer from first meeting, finding common ground, how to build rapport all the way to the advocacy stage. </p> <p><strong>Character Type Recognition. </strong>All delegates will be asked to complete a Clarity 4D Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide valuable insights in to their own individual selling style and 'preferred behaviours'. This in turn leads on to understanding others better, including customers, and how to modify their own behaviour, often only slightly, but usually to great effect. This session is extremely popular and delegates frequently tell us that this was the most useful and interesting part of the whole course!</p> <p><strong>Customer Key Drivers. </strong>The <span style="text-decoration: underline;">real</span> and often underlying reasons that customers make buying decisions, including why they may be loyal to individuals or companies.</p> <p><strong>Creating a 'win-win' situation. </strong>Negotiating Styles and the difference between passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive and assertive behaviours.</p> <p><strong>Dealing with difficult negotiations and situations. </strong> Following on from the following session we examine ways of diffusing potentially difficult scenarios and includes a step-by-step process for effective complaint handling.</p> <p><strong>Communication skills.</strong>  Verbal and non-verbal skills including a popular and intriguing session on body language, (prepare to be surprised!). Intelligent questioning, listening and challenging and 'pushing' and pulling' are all covered.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Sales Negotiation:</strong></p> <p><strong>Objective Setting. </strong>Always ensuring that you have a good reason to make a sales visit to a customer, and how to set a realistic primary and secondary objective.</p> <p><strong>Differentiating yourself from the competition. </strong> The importance of professionalism when discussing competitors, and how to highlight unique selling points and areas of differentiation whilst maintaining integrity</p> <p><strong>FAB - Features, Advantages and Benefits. </strong>Putting your product or service forward in such a way that it is compelling and that the customer can relate to. This session also addresses the common mistake of talking about the product, service or the business they work for and not talking about the customer's needs.</p> <p><strong>Knowing when and where to discount.</strong>  Obviously dependent upon sector and company culture. Negotiation skills are explored and insights given as to why certain people are far more effective than others! 'Reasons to say No!' may well be included providing delegates with new ways of meeting price objections with effective resistance.</p> <p><strong>Up-selling and cross-selling. </strong>If relevant to our customer, we can bespoke a session covering this sales activity plus the all important add-on sale.</p> <p><strong>Handling Objections. </strong>The difference between an objection and a rejection. Delegates are often surprised at the methods and techniques that are available to counter seemingly intractable sales objections. This is designed to encourage tenacity without being too pushy.  </p> <p><strong>Closing the Sale. </strong>In our very British way, many sales people are reluctant to close the sale. This session looks at the reasons for this and suggests some practical ways to close the sale and take the order out of the market place.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Managing the role:</strong></p> <p><strong>Time management. </strong>Why some people simply manage to get more done than others, and how to completely change the way tasks are prioritised to ensure the important things are done!</p> <p><strong>Self motivation, structure and self-discipline. </strong>An important session, as most people who have not been 'on the road' do not understand what a challenging and lonely role it can be. How to expect and deal with emotional peaks and troughs and maintain momentum throughout. Dealing with rejection and the importance of being able to say 'no' without making issues personal.</p> <p><strong>Market research. </strong>We are sometimes asked to provide an opportunity for Sales Representatives to consider new markets and possibilities.</p> <p><strong>Pre-sales preparation. </strong>How to effectively prepare for individual sales visits as well as looking at effective territory management and call planning. Includes the economics of a sales force and how much each sales visit costs the company.</p> <p><strong>Creating appointments and opportunities. </strong>Getting past the gatekeeper and asking the right questions depending on what answer you require.</p> <p><strong>Using sales aids. </strong>If required, we can develop a session surrounding the use of sales aids such as PowerPoint or similar, and Presentation Skills.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next?</strong> An open forum to encourage best practise. personal development Planners are completed by delegates to confirm commitment to change. We would encourage senior management to seek confirmation from attendees of what they have learned and how they will apply it in their role. Learning 2XL can help in this regard by confirming the Key Learning Points that often arise from this training programme. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Sales Training For Representatives?</strong></h4> <p>We are able to offer value to businesses from most industries and sectors in developing the skills of external sales teams and individuals. It is important that delegates currently have an external sales position, or that they are about to start such a role imminently. </p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Sales Training For Representatives, please<a href="contact"> contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Handling Difficult People Workshop https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/handling-difficult-people-workshop https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/handling-difficult-people-workshop <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>This is a course which we find may be requested by clients for a number of reasons, as difficult people can be found in various walks of life. For example, some members of staff find it hard to communicate with other team members or their manager, and staff in customer service or sales role may also find themselves having to deal with particularly challenging customers.</p> <p>This Handling Difficult People workshop aims to provide delegates with the skills and confidence to react calmly and positively during conversations that have with people that they find difficult. The day will help individuals to understand the causes of behaviour that they find challenging, and provide them with a chance to practise the basic tools, deal with and diffuse the situation.</p> <p>All delegates will be asked to complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide delegates with valuable insights in to their own preferred behaviour and that of others.</p> <p>This in turn can then be used to explain why people behave in certain ways, and how to modify our own behaviour, often only slightly, but often to great effect.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Difficult - who, me? </strong>An opening session taking a light-hearted look at what defines being 'difficult', and how this view is purely subjective.</p> <p><strong>Understanding yourself and others. </strong>Character Type Recognition utilising the Clarity 4D Profiles that were previously completed. This session provides a fascinating insight in to 'Preferred Behaviour' and is an excellent tool to use when adapting and connecting with others.</p> <p><strong>Negotiation Styles. </strong>Examining the difference between Passive, Passive-Aggressive, Aggressive and Assertive and how this is impacted upon by our own personal drives.</p> <p><strong>Transactional Analysis. </strong>Different ego states leading to the type of relationship we have with subordinates, colleagues and peers.</p> <p><strong>Assertiveness at work. </strong>This session looks at how we can build on self awareness and improve levels of confidence by recognising robbers and boosters.</p> <p><strong>Body Language. </strong>A highly popular session highlighting body language and decoding various hidden clues. How to generate confidence through body language and what to avoid if you want to get the most from people.</p> <p><strong>Using your voice. </strong>How to effectively verbally communicate and project confidence and authority, even if you are feeling unsure.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>All delegates are encouraged to discuss what they have learned, discuss how this could be applied back in the workplace, and commit to positive behavioural change.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Handling Difficult People Workshop?</strong></h4> <p>Anyone who wants to embrace the challenge of dealing effectively with difficult people, and to enjoy the benefits of being more confident in doing so.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about our Handling Difficult People Workshop, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Effective Team Meetings Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/effective-team-meetings-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/effective-team-meetings-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>There are a number of common problems with team meetings such as certain individuals talking too much whilst others decline to contribute anything meaningful, people rambling and going off of topic, nothing actually being decided and meetings overrunning to the point where people start to lose interest........do any of those issues sound familiar?</p> <p>This Effective Team Meetings training is designed to help a meeting leader to organise effective team meetings well and lead with confidence so that the best outcomes can be achieved in the shortest time. The content has been designed to be highly interactive, and activities are introduced to allow delegates the opportunity to practice and refine their skills in a safe environment whilst learning from each other.</p> <p>Below is an example of suggested content for the an effective team meetings course; however, we are often asked by clients to amend content to suit the specific and individual needs of the organisation we are working with, and are more than happy to do so.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>What makes a team meeting effective? </strong>Different types of team meetings and their benefits plus identifying the purpose and required outcomes, and therefore what needs to be achieved as a result. A look at the common pitfalls, the reasons for them and how they can be avoided. Different approaches to one to one meetings/supervisions and team meetings, and the most effective methods of following up on actions and outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Planning and preparation. </strong>Looking at the structure of team meetings and assigning roles and contribution to content from individuals as appropriate. Then importance of being clear as to what is expected of attendees before they arrive, and how to achieve this. Setting out the 'ground rules' clearly to all concerned and gaining agreement from attendees.</p> <p><strong>Virtual meetings. </strong>An introduction to some of the technology that is available and circumstances where virtual meeting are preferable to the more traditional approach.</p> <p><strong>Using a 'Chair's Agenda'. </strong>A session discussing the importance of using an agendas to effectively control a meeting and keep within the allotted time. Building confidence from structuring and guiding proceedings utilising this valuable tool. Includes additional  tips and hints for shortening meeting time and avoiding over-run.</p> <p><strong>Note taking.</strong> How to choose and allocate a note taker and why you should not not attempt to do this whilst running a meeting yourself. Working closely with the note taker and being clear about what and how information needs to be recorded.</p> <p><strong>Diplomacy and assertiveness</strong> in the right measure. Varying your chairing style to suit the needs of the meeting, agreeing boundaries and etiquette and controlling events without domineering. Examining group behaviours and 'reading the room' plus practical methods of dealing with difficult situations.</p> <p><strong>Practice Sessions. </strong>An opportunity to develop skills and explore what has been learned in a safe and supportive environment. This session is designed to encourage only delegates who wish to to take an active part, and is facilitated in a light-hearted and enjoyable manner. Delegates often report this part of the workshop as being one of the most enlightening and beneficial.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next? </strong>Summarising what has been learnt throughout the day and how this can be applied in the workplace. This also allows delegates to discuss some of their individual circumstances and challenges if they wish to do so.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Effective Team Meetings Training?</strong></h4> <p>Any member of staff or management team that is responsible for delivering effective team meetings.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Effective Team Meetings Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Powerful Presentations Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/powerful-presentations-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/powerful-presentations-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>This engaging Powerful Presentations Training course has been designed to assist delegates improve both the preparation and structure of the presentations they deliver. An opportunity for delegates to present to the group in a safe and supportive environment forms an integral part of the course, and a wide variety of presentation styles can be observed as a result.</p> <p>As a result of attending the workshop, delegates should feel that they have a better understanding of what it takes to deliver a successful presentation, and feel more confident when speaking in front of groups of people.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p> The workshop includes the following, and can usually be adapted to suit your individual needs:</p> <p><strong>Common fears of public speaking. </strong>The reasons individuals are often so nervous when talking in front of others, the causes of these fears and a chance for delegates to express their own concerns.</p> <p><strong>Knowing your audience. </strong>The importance of understanding the audience needs and expectations and what they want to hear from you. How this determines the purpose and style of your presentation.</p> <p><strong>Communication Styles. </strong>Recognising your strengths and utilising them to best advantage.</p> <p><strong>Structuring the talk. </strong>Pitfalls to avoid when presenting, the 'power of three' and other frameworks. 'Intros' and 'Outros', 'signposting' and maintaining the attention of the audience.</p> <p><strong>Use of visual aids. </strong>Various methods of providing a presentation with depth and visual stimulus, includes the appropriate use of PowerPoint and more modern alternatives.</p> <p><strong>Communication Skills. </strong>Appearance, body language and eye contact. Verbal skills and techniques including the use of imagery and making contrasts. Dealing with interruptions, questions from the audience and difficult people.</p> <p><strong>Presentation delivery. </strong>Delegates who are happy to participate will be provided with a topic for which to prepare small introductions and presentations to the group. Constructive and supportive feedback will then be provided and learning points examined.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next? </strong>Delegates will be encouraged to capture what they have learned and consider how they will apply this to the next time they present to a group.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Powerful Presentations Training?</strong></h4> <p>Any individuals or groups within an organisation that are involved,or about to be involved in delivering a presentation to others. It doesn't matter about levels of experience, or how often delegates will present as we will adapt the content of the course and pitch it to the audience.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Powerful Presentations Training, please contact us.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 'From Hello to Goodbye' https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/from-hello-to-goodbye https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/from-hello-to-goodbye <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Development Programme</strong></p> <p>Duration dependant upon organisational needs</p> <p>'From Hello to Goodbye' is bespoke by nature as so much depends upon the type of organisation, it's relationship with it's customers and it's individual needs. Therefore this initiative can be adapted to suit most organisations with a customer-facing team, and will provide valuable insights and clarity as to how well their team are performing. These findings are structured around staff interaction with the customer at every stage or at certain points of contact.</p> <p>There may be a number of reasons for embarking upon this initiative, and emphasis can therefore be placed on specific areas as dictated by the desired outcome. We are happy therefore to be guided when deciding which activities and behaviours to observe. The outcome is often used to identify where future valuable training resources are best concentrated, as opposed to the common approach of having to presume what is needed to develop the staff and the organisation.</p> <p>Typically this initiative involves our specialist trainer, Jason Routley, making a visit to premises and observing and recording behaviours. Jason worked for John Lewis Partnership and has considerable experience in the customer service sector.</p> <p>We will be working within a logical written framework and looking for a number of indicators which would of course be guided by individual requirements. Depending on industry and sector, a typical example may include elements below:</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>The 'Customer Journey'. </strong>This involves looking at how the customer is interacted with at every instance and stage of dealing with your organisation. This may well include include parking, signage and logical merchandising, compelling displays and promotions. Telephone interaction and call handling are often examined, along with general account administration.</p> <p><strong>First Impressions. </strong>How and if the customer is greeted and interacted with in the very first instance as this will affect how the customer reacts in all further contact.</p> <p><strong>Telephone Sales. </strong>How well the member of staff communicates, asks for the order and identifies sales opportunities are examples of what we have often been asked to look out for.</p> <p><strong>Complaint Handling. </strong>How this is approached, dealt with and followed up by staff and management. We can often gather the opinion of customers as well! </p> <p><strong>Management Presence. </strong>Interaction between management and staff and an indication of the resulting management style. This may reveal certain behaviours that highlight a potential training requirement, one thing we often look for is how well a manager engages with staff, and how long they spend sitting behind a desk.</p> <p><strong>Lost Sales and Margin Opportunities. </strong>How many staff are showing signs of being compliant order takers and how many are attempting to be sales people.</p> <p><strong>The Customer's Perspective. </strong>If required, customers can be encouraged to offer their opinion on how well the team looks after them.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>A structured report will be issued and is usually discussed with all stakeholders, during a de-briefing meeting and this will highlight areas in which improvements can be made, along with suggestions as to how these may be implemented.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend?</strong></h4> <p>This offering is often, (but not always) required by organisations who have more than site and want to spread 'best practice'. With that in mind we are sometimes asked to visit a site or a number of sites that are deemed to be offering good customer service, and others which are thought to be struggling somewhat.</p> <p>This allows for a broader understanding of overall operations and if required, we can assist with rolling out the improvements and agreed changes across the whole company culture. This may lead to the delivery of a bespoke training package as a result and From Hello to Goodbye may well benefit from being combined with our 'Mystery Shopper' service.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Excellence in Customer Service Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/excellence-in-customer-service-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/excellence-in-customer-service-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>This workshop has been designed to be engaging and highly interactive,and will include encouraging discussion to understanding the customer better, leading to personal development as opposed to prescriptive training.</p> <p>It is our view that many Customer Service training courses adopt the approach of telling individuals how they should behave in an attempt to increase customer satisfaction. Whilst our Excellence in Customer Service course includes some traditional elements, this approach alone often takes little or no account of the pressures that are faced by delegates on a daily basis, and the restrictions and attitudes that they are faced with in the 'real world'.</p> <p>With this in mind, delegates complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>on-line questionnaire before attending the course. This short questionnaire will lead to the publication of an individual Clarity 4D Profile which will be distributed on the day. This profile provides a fascinating insight in to Character Type and behavioural preferences which will allow delegates an understanding of their own 'type' and why others behave and react to situations in certain ways.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>What is excellent customer service? </strong>How customers assess you and what they really want. Common causes of poor quality customer service are explored including perceived indifference. This session will allow delegates the opportunity to express the frustrations and obstacles that they encounter in their roles.</p> <p><strong>Where are we now? </strong>Delegates will complete a 'Self Audit' to highlight areas in which they think they may be able to improve, and to celebrate areas in which excellent customer service is already being provided. This will lead to discussion and potential spread of 'best practise'.</p> <p><strong>Understanding yourself and others.</strong> This part of the course is widely reported by delegates to be the most enjoyable and beneficial in helping them to provide better customer service. It begins with an introduction to the four main character types, followed by the distribution of delegates individual Clarity 4D Profiles. These profiles will be fully explained and discussed both as a group and in pairs, and in a safe and supportive environment.</p> <p>Through a number of exercises this understanding allows delegates to consider ways of modifying their behaviour, often only slightly but usually to great effect with the resulting positive impact upon customer perception.</p> <p>As well as Character Type, we will also examine what drives customers' needs, managing their expectations and how to best provide a 'win-win' outcome.</p> <p><strong>Communication Skills. </strong>Setting minimum service standards, both face-to-face and through email and the most effective way to deliver bad news whilst minimising the negative perceptions that this may foster.</p> <p>Negotiation styles, body language and verbal communication skills are covered, including handling interaction with customers from diverse cultures.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>Delegates are encouraged to capture what they have learned and what they will do differently upon return to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Excellence in Customer Service Training?</strong></h4> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Excellence in Customer Service Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Negotiation Skills Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/negotiation-skills-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/negotiation-skills-training <h5><strong>Overview</strong></h5> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 or 2 days depending on the needs of an organisation</strong></p> <p>We negotiate and influence people most days, often without even realising it, and this includes within our personal life and of course in the workplace as well.</p> <p>Organisations often support the professional development of their technical professionals with specialist knowledge and skills training, but fail to provide staff with the tools they need to persuade decision makers of the right course of action. Alternatively, they may want to make a successful business case, get others to adopt their ideas, or be trying to sell a service or product; in any of these circumstances training to assist in this regard can be of huge benefit.</p> <p>What ever the reason for considering Negotiating and Influencing Training, we can adapt to suit your individual needs and provide a fun, practical and enlightening day. The principles covered in this workshop will help delegates to build their credibility, encourage others to accept their ideas or suggestions and negotiate with confidence.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h5> <p><strong>Defining the subject. </strong>Identifying the key elements and the differences between being persuasive and manipulative. What makes a good communicator and why others struggle.</p> <p><strong>Key Personal Strengths and Character Type. </strong>Identify and understand your own preferences and how you communicate. How others will react to your communication style, any why you can say the same thing, in the same way to different people and get completely different results.</p> <p>All delegates will be asked to complete <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide valuable insights in to preferences and behaviours.</p> <p><strong>Listening Skills. </strong>Communication is not all about talking but listening too! The power of active listening and how to respond effectively, and establishing the needs and views of others using effective questioning techniques.</p> <p><strong>Style of communication. </strong>How to adapt these styles according to circumstance and therefore influence others in a positive manner. 'Selling' your proposition and dealing with challenges and objections.</p> <p><strong>Body Language. </strong>A highly popular session highlighting body language and decoding various hidden clues. How to generate confidence through body language and what to avoid if you want to get the most from people.</p> <p><strong>Using your voice. </strong>How to effectively verbally communicate and project confidence and authority, even if you are feeling unsure.</p> <p><strong>Difficult people or situations. </strong>An opportunity for delegates to discuss their own issues if they want to, and some practical hints and tips to assist when dealing with confrontation.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>All delegates are encouraged to discuss what they have learned, discuss how this could be applied back in the workplace, and commit to positive behavioural change.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Who Should Attend Negotiating and Influencing Training?</strong></h5> <p>For all staff and managers who want to influence and persuade positively.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Negotiating and Influencing Training, please <a href="contact">contact us.</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Mon, 11 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Induction Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/induction-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/induction-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration : to suit client</strong></p> <p>The manner in which a new employee starts their role within any organisation is vital as this will inevitably impact upon their subsequent behaviors and performance. </p> <p>The absence of an Induction Programme will mean that the new starter will simply look to existing staff for guidance, and usually emulate the behaviors and habits that they observe. </p> <p>This in itself may not be a problem; however the induction process provides an excellent opportunity for the organisation to set out the standards that it expects of all new employees. </p> <p>The role of providing such induction training often falls to individuals within an organisation who are busy in their current role, and finding the time to deliver this on a regular basis can often be a huge challenge. </p> <p>A number of organisations recognise the benefit of working with a training provider to assist them with design and/or delivery of this key discipline. We can bring with us our experience in this area, and work closely with you to assist with the design and/or the delivery of engaging and meaningful training which will ensure that the new staff member is clear on what is required of them, and confident in starting their new role. </p> <p>Below is an indication of some of the areas covered within a typical induction programme. All organisations are different however, and we would seek to work closely with you to bespoke training according to your individual needs. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong><strong> </strong></h4> <p>A number of the areas below may be delivered by, or with the employer. A site tour would usually be included to familiarise the employee with their surroundings….</p> <p> <strong>Welcome and Personal Matters. </strong>This section would involve pay, holidays, sickness, pension, site security, leaving and entering the premises, recording attendance and grievance procedures. Working hours, breaks, shifts and PPE may also be included in this section.</p> <p> <strong>Description of unit or team. </strong>Would include describing the work, the organisation structure, management and supervision and how it fits within the wider organisation. Introductions to colleagues and to key staff or management.</p> <p> <strong>Staff member’s duties. </strong>What is expected and how to operate in terms of standards, systems, legislation, use of equipment and resources, use of company computers.</p> <p> <strong>Conduct and standards</strong> including who to approach if in need of help and support, and what is appropriate and not appropriate in the work place. Uniform and dress code.</p> <p> <strong>Customers:</strong> who are they, their expectations and how to deal with them politely and effectively.</p> <p> <strong>Local policy, procedures and arrangements. </strong>This section may include COSHH, Health and Safety Policy, First Aid, Fire Precautions, Fire Drill and Testing, Security, Smoking Policy, Hygiene Requirements, Risk Assessment, Manual Handling and Accident Reporting. The use of mobile ‘phones and social media is also usually included.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion. </strong>Any questions or areas of concern. Staff would normally be asked to sign an attendance sheet and check list upon completion.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Induction Training?</strong></h4> <p>Any member of staff new to the organisation either full time/part time or temporary.</p> <p>If you would like more information on Induction Training, please <a href="contact">contact us.</a></p> Thu, 28 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0000