<![CDATA[Leadership & Management Courses]]> https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/category/leadership-and-management-courses <p>For all levels of the management team from the newly promoted supervisor to the Executive and Board. Explore our Leadership and Management Courses.</p> en Wed, 26 Mar 2025 15:44:42 +0000 Action Learning Sets Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/action-learning https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/action-learning <h5> </h5> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 or 2 days</strong></p> <h5> </h5> <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p>Action Learning sets are groups of managers that meet regularly to seek each other’s help in taking action on a range of management problems. The facilitated ‘sets’ draw on the commitment, support and advice of its members, all of whom are wrestling with similar issues and concerns.</p> <p>Action Learning is a powerful yet low-cost way of sharing learning either within an organisation or between organisations, and will enhance team learning and collaboration whilst developing problem solving and decision making ability. This training day covers the benefits of Action Learning, and assists delegates develop the skills to set up and facilitate a ‘set’.</p> <p>We always prefer to work closely with our clients to ensure we understand your circumstances and needs, and we can adapt and amend course content accordingly. The length of the course will depend on a number of factors such as if you would like us to follow-up the initial training at a later date, and monitor and assess the progress that has been made so far.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Coverered</strong></h4> <p><strong>What is Action Learning? </strong>An opening session introducing the principle of Action Learning, providing some examples of how and where it can be best applied and the benefits of this approach to both individuals and organisations.</p> <p><strong>Structuring sets.</strong>  How to organise structure an Action Learning (AL) Set according to the desired outcomes and circumstances, and get it up and running</p> <p><strong>Set facilitation. </strong>Understanding the principles of facilitating including fostering an environment in which thoughts and ideas are shared by all, and that everyone has the opportunity to be heard. Delegate will take part in an action learning ‘set’ simulation, allowing them to  practice the role and practical assistance with facilitation techniques will be provided.</p> <p><strong>Learning styles. </strong>A session where we examine delegate's own preferred behaviour and how this will affect the way in which they facilitate a set. Some common pitfalls are introduced and the potential learning and communication styles of set members will also be explored.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next? </strong>Delegates should feel confident and motivated to go back to the workplace and start  an Action Learning Set after attending the course. An opportunity will be provided for concerns and individual circumstances to be discussed, and everyone will be encouraged to capture what they have learned and commit to putting this in to action. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Action Learning Set Training?</strong></h4> <p>Anyone who interested in utilising this approach to aid individual and organisational learning, and to grow as a facilitator themselves. The course is practical, experiential and relevant to anyone who wants to develop managerial, leadership, interpersonal or technical skills.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Action Learning, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Fri, 05 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Team Leader Course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/team-leader-course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/team-leader-course <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 2 days</strong></p> <p>This Team Leader course has been designed to be engaging and highly interactive. Emphasis is placed upon challenging perceptions whilst providing insights as to how to manage people more effectively. </p> <p>Practical skills and techniques are also examined with a view to increasing delegate’s confidence, particularly when dealing with difficult conversations. In turn this should lead to a change in behaviours upon return to the workplace and subsequent improvements in management style.   </p> <p>All delegates will be asked to complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide valuable insights in to what motivates individuals and how this affects team dynamics.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p>The following modules are included, and we would endeavour to meet any additional individual delegate requirements when possible.<strong>                                                                                           </strong></p> <p><strong>The role of the manager. </strong>Defining the role of the manager and an opportunity to discuss personal circumstances and boundaries of authority. </p> <p><strong>Time Management . </strong>Why some people seem to get more done than others, prioritising tasks and dealing with the inevitable people who waste your time.</p> <p><strong>Leadership Styles and understanding others. </strong>Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’ and the resulting mindsets. An introduction to Character Type Recognition also provides an understanding of the four main character types, and their corresponding strengths and weaknesses.</p> <p><strong>Motivation of others and building teams.</strong> Leading on from the previous session this includes assessing your team’s needs and how to build strong teams by having the correct people in the right jobs. Includes modifying behaviour according to the type of person you are communicating with. </p> <p><strong>Performance management. </strong>The step by step approach to managing performance which includes the following:</p> <p><strong>Improving communication. </strong>Giving positive and critical feedback and exploring assertive, aggressive and passive styles of communication.<strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Effective delegation and Objective Setting. </strong>What can and can’t be delegated and the difference between delegation and abdication. Delegates will be encouraged to discuss real scenarios and how it affects them. Applying the SMART principle to ensure you get the best from your staff.</p> <p><strong>Difficult conversations. </strong>Why they should not be avoided and how to structure them to ensure the best outcome. Includes how to decide which leadership style is appropriate. This is often commented on by delegates as being one of the most productive and worthwhile parts of the course. </p> <p><strong>Appraisals. </strong>The importance of conducting regular appraisals, common mistakes to avoid and how to make the process a positive experience for all.  </p> <p>   </p> <p><strong>What next?</strong> Delegates are encouraged to share what they have learned, and to commit to what they will do differently in the future using a Personal Development Planner.</p> <h4> </h4> <h4><strong>Who should attend our Team Leader course?</strong></h4> <p>Those individuals who are either new to their management role or who will be soon be appointed to a Team Leader role.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you are interested in knowing more about our Team Leader course, please <a href="contact">contact us </a>today.</p> <h3> </h3> <p> </p> <p> </p> Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Managing Successfully Course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/managing-successfully-course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/managing-successfully-course <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 2 days</strong></p> <p>This Managing Successfully Course has been designed to be engaging and highly interactive. Emphasis is placed upon challenging perceptions whilst providing insights as to how to manage people more effectively. </p> <p>Practical skills and techniques are also examined with a view to increasing delegate’s confidence, particularly when dealing with difficult conversations. In turn this should lead to a change in behaviours upon return to the workplace and subsequent improvements in management style.  </p> <p>To provide context and relevance, it is important that delegates have staff directly reporting to them in their role. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p>The following modules would be included, and we would endeavour to meet any additional individual delegate requirements when possible.<strong>                                                                                           </strong></p> <p><strong>The role of the manager. </strong>Defining the role of the manager and an opportunity to discuss personal circumstances and boundaries of authority. </p> <p><strong>Time Management .</strong>Why some seem to get more done than others, prioritising tasks and dealing with people who waste your time.</p> <p><strong>Leadership Styles and understanding others. </strong>Theory ‘X’ and theory ‘Y’ and the resulting mindsets. An introduction to Character Type Recognition also provides an understanding of the four main character types, and their corresponding strengths and weaknesses.</p> <p><strong>Motivation of others and building teams.</strong> Leading on from the previous session, this includes assessing your team’s needs, and how to build strong teams by having the correct people in the right jobs. Includes modifying behaviour according to the type of person you are communicating with. </p> <p><strong>Performance management. </strong>The step by step approach to managing performance which includes the following:</p> <p><strong>Improving communication. </strong>Giving positive and critical feedback and exploring assertive, aggressive and passive styles of communication.<strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Effective delegation and Objective Setting. </strong>What can and can’t be delegated and the difference between delegation and abdication. Delegates will be encouraged to discuss real scenarios and how it affects them. Applying the SMART principle to ensure you get the best from your staff.</p> <p><strong>Difficult conversations. </strong>Why they should not be avoided and how to structure them to ensure the best outcome. Includes how to decide which leadership style is appropriate. This session is often reported by delegates as being one of the most productive and worthwhile parts of the course. </p> <p><strong>Appraisals. </strong>The importance of conducting regular appraisals, common mistakes to avoid and how to make the process a positive experience for all.  </p> <p>   </p> <p><strong>What next?</strong> Delegates are encouraged to share what they have learned, and to commit to what they will do differently in the future using a Personal Development Planner.</p> <h4> </h4> <h4><strong>Who should attend Managing Successfully Course?</strong></h4> <p>Those individuals who have already had some management experience but feel they would benefit from developing their skills further and become an even better manager of people.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you are interested in knowing more about our Managing Successfully Course, please <a href="contact">contact us </a>today.</p> Sun, 25 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Advanced Management Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/advanced-management-training-course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/advanced-management-training-course <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course Duration: 2 Days</strong></p> <p>Teams are an ever-changing dynamic, subject to rapid change in their membership, their function, their management and their place in the organisation. Yet teams are still only groups of human beings, with different skills, personalities and feelings.</p> <p>Our Advanced Management Training course has been designed to be highly interactive, engaging and stimulating. It encourages delegates to consider ways of fostering teamwork through understanding of what motivates others, and to be aware of the type of team that will be formed by their management style.</p> <p>All delegates will be asked to complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide valuable insights in to what motivates individuals and how this affects team dynamics.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>What is a good team?</strong> Defining your mission or purpose -what are we aiming for? What are our authority or boundary conditions and parameters?</p> <p><strong>What motivates people at work?</strong> The common motivation factors that cause individuals satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace.</p> <p><strong>Measuring staff engagement.</strong> Staff Engagement Surveys and other methods of calculating, tracking and monitoring staff opinion and satisfaction.</p> <p><strong>Understanding yourself and others.</strong> Character Type recognition utilising the <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>Profiles that were previously completed. This session provides a fascinating insight in to 'Preferred Behaviour' and is an excellent tool to use when adapting and connecting with others.</p> <p><strong>Management Styles.</strong> This pivotal session looks at management and negotiation styles, whilst assessing branch and company ethos. Concludes with the resulting impact different styles will have upon Staff Engagement and Retention.</p> <p><strong>Transactional Analysis.</strong> Covering the way in which staff are both communicated with and motivated by management.</p> <p><strong>Managing Performance.</strong> Assessing your team member's needs and a step by step guide to managing performance. Includes how to manage those 'difficult conversations' that need to be had to ensure that staff remain focused and motivated.</p> <p><strong>Creating advancement opportunities.</strong> How to ensure that key staff remain loyal by feeling that their career is on a trajectory to meet their aspirations. Includes succession planning to meet future challenges in a changing environment.</p> <p><strong>Appraisals.</strong> Ensuring that this invaluable tool is used properly to provide the most benefit to all concerned.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next?</strong> Delegates are encouraged to consider what steps could be taken to improve levels of Staff Engagement, and therefore improve Staff Retention within your organisation and according to their individual needs.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Advanced Management Training?</strong></h4> <p>Managers and Team Leaders, both newly appointed and those with more experience that are looking to build upon their management success to date.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you are interested in knowing more about our Advanced Management Training course, please <a href="contact">contact us </a>today.</p> <p> </p> Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Transformational Leadership Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/transformational-leadership-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/transformational-leadership-training <h5><strong>Overview</strong></h5> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>In a search for an understanding of the qualities possessed by extraordinary leaders, two Americans, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner interviewed over 60,000 leaders and team members.From this they distilled the five key attributes that enabled these leaders to achieve amazing results in a wide range of situations.</p> <p>Their work, detailed in a book "The Leadership Challenge" has been tested by extensive research in the UK and found to be held true both here and in Europe.The five key characteristics identified by this work have become known as the Transformational Leadership model because such leaders can transform their teams commitment to the organisation, their expectations and abilities, and their willingness to take risks.</p> <p>Our Transformational Leadership training workshop encourages delegates to find these characteristics within themselves, and to develop practical ways to incorporate them in to their own particular management style.</p> <p>We often find that particularly progressive organisations are interested in this course, and that they may have unique challenges or tasks in mind.To this end we would seek to work closely with clients to ensure we have a thorough understanding of the required outcomes, and tailor the content according to organisational needs.</p> <h5> </h5> <h5><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h5> <p><strong>Why Transformational Leadership? </strong>Exploring the modern workplace and what drives staff performance. Staff Engagement and the differing expectations of 'Generation X, Y and Z'. An opportunity for all delegates to express their individual challenges and what they hope to gain from the course.</p> <p><strong>The five key characteristics of Transformational Leadership. </strong>An introduction to challenging the status quo, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modelling the way and encouraging the heart.</p> <p><strong>Personal qualities and strengths. </strong>A session in which delegates are encouraged to consider their leadership style, understand their Character Type and preferred behaviour and therefore of others. Considering to what extent delegates already possess and harness the five characteristics of Transformational Leadership.</p> <p><strong>Utilising Transformational Leadership. </strong>Developing practical ideas on how to use and develop strength in these attributes according to the specific needs of delegates.</p> <p>A number of tools may be used in this session according to the needs of individuals and the organisation. These may include the use of coaching models, communication skills and managing change for example.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next. </strong>Delegates will be encouraged to share their own experiences if they wish to, and to capture how they will implement what they have learned upon return to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Who Should Attend Transformational Leadership Training?</strong></h5> <p>Experienced and ambitious managers who want to develop their impact and influence upon an organisational structure.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Transformational Leadership, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Managing Performance Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/managing-performance-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/managing-performance-training <h5><strong>Overview</strong></h5> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>Unsatisfactory performance from individuals can have a far reaching impact upon an organisation and their customers or service users, as well as the manager, the team and the individual concerned.</p> <p>This should not be left unchallenged and unresolved, yet many managers find it difficult to address issues and instead adopt an approach of hoping that the problem will resolve itself. This proves rarely to be the case.</p> <p>Managing under-performance is a topic that is covered in detail in our more comprehensive management training courses such as <a href="courses/managing-successfully-course">Managing Successfully</a> and<a href="courses/advanced-management-training-course"> Advanced Management Training</a>.</p> <p>When dealt with over more than one day, the subject of unsatisfactory performance can be explored in more depth and often provides delegates with a better understanding of the causes of this type of problem.</p> <p>Some of our customers however, have asked for a shorter training course purely dealing with managing performance issues and how to approach them.</p> <p>This Managing Performance one-day workshop seeks to assist managers in diagnosing problems and issues sooner rather than later, clearly define expectations of performance and find a solution for 'closing the gap'. We are able to tailor content according to individual needs, but would suggest that the following content would be included.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h5> <p><strong>Defining underperformance and the impact it can have. </strong>What can be acceptable and unacceptable depending upon circumstances, and common causes involving individual, management styles, organisational restraints and culture.</p> <p>The effects underperformance can have on individuals, managers, teams, customers and organisations.</p> <p><strong>Leadership Styles. </strong>Diagnosing the problems and issues and deciding if action needs to be taken, including which approach is most suitable in the circumstances.</p> <p><strong>Difficult conversations. </strong>Using a coaching model and how to prepare for conversations designed to address performance issues. A brief introduction to the law surrounding such issues, and the differences between a difficult conversation and a disciplinary meeting.</p> <p>Working with the individual to identify underlying causes and agree a solution. Planning and implementing a performance improvement plan.</p> <p><strong>Performance strategies. </strong>Case studies of managing poorly performing staff, monitoring progress and providing effective feedback.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next. </strong>Delegates will be encouraged to share their own experiences if they wish to, and to capture how they will implement what they have learned upon return to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h5>Who Should Attend Managing Performance Training?</h5> <p>Managers at all levels who would benefit from managing performance effectively.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Managing Performance Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Difficult Conversations for Managers Course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/difficult-conversations-for-managers-course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/difficult-conversations-for-managers-course <h5><strong>Overview</strong></h5> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>Difficult conversations are important to have with staff when needed because unsatisfactory performance from individuals can have a far reaching impact upon an organisation and their customers or service users, as well as the manager, the team and the individual concerned.</p> <p>This should not be left unchallenged and unresolved, yet many managers find it difficult to address issues and instead adopt an approach of hoping that the problem will resolve itself. This proves rarely to be the case.</p> <p>This Difficult Conversations for Managers one-day workshop seeks to provide delegates with the skills and understanding to react calmly and positively in conversations with people that they find difficult.</p> <p>All delegates will be asked to complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity4D</a> Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course.</p> <p>These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide delegates with valuable insights in to their own preferred behaviour and that of others. This in turn can then  be used to explain why people behave in certain ways, and how to modify our own behaviour, often only slightly, but often to great effect.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h5> <p><strong>Understanding yourself and others.</strong> Character Type Recognition utilising <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>profiles that were previously completed. This session provides a fascinating insight in to 'Preferred Behaviour' and is an excellent tool to use when adapting and connecting with others.</p> <p><strong>Transactional Analysis. </strong>Different ego states leading to the type of relationship we have with subordinates, colleagues and peers.</p> <p><strong>Assertiveness at work. </strong>This session looks at how we can build on self awareness and improve levels of confidence by recognising robbers and boosters.</p> <p><strong>Difficult conversations. </strong>Using a coaching model and how to prepare for conversations designed to address performance issues. A brief introduction to the law surrounding such issues, and the differences between a difficult conversations and a disciplinary meeting.</p> <p>Working with the individual to identify underlying causes and agree a solution. Planning and implementing a performance improvement plan.</p> <p><strong>Performance strategies.</strong> Case studies of managing poorly performing staff, monitoring progress and providing effective feedback.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next. </strong>Delegates will be encouraged to share their own experiences if they wish to, and to capture how they will implement what they have learned upon return to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Who Should Attend Difficult Conversations with ManagersCourse?</strong></h5> <p>Managers at all levels who would benefit from effectively communicating with their staff with a view to improving performance.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Difficult Conversations with Managers, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Absence Management and Return to Work Interviews Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/abscence-management-and-return-to-work-interviews-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/abscence-management-and-return-to-work-interviews-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>Staff absenteeism can impact on the success of an organisation in a number of ways including the cost of temporary staff cover, reduced levels of customer service (internally and externally), and the negative effect on those who have to pick up the extra workload.</p> <p>If absence becomes regular, or recurring illnesses means that an individual is not performing as well as expected, the challenge for any manager is to know how to best deal with the situation.</p> <p>This Absence Management and Return to Work Interviews Training workshop assists managers to look at the causes and patterns of absence, and helps them decide what actions they can take to support those members of the team who have genuine need. It also provides practical assistance for managers who seek to challenge and assertively deal with members of staff who may be abusing the system and the goodwill of others.</p> <p>We would seek to work closely with organisations and provide training in-line with their own specific policies where appropriate.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Causes and costs. </strong>Defining absenteeism, some common causes and how absent staff can affect productivity in terms of time, money and staff morale.</p> <p><strong>Identifying patterns. </strong>How to monitor staff attendance and what to look to highlight patterns of short-term absence.</p> <p><strong>Absence Policy. </strong>The benefits of an absence policy and early intervention, plus the key skills of consistency, communication and fairness. Recognising long-term absence and disability issues.</p> <p><strong>The legal landscape. </strong>A brief introduction to the law regarding maternity, disability and discrimination.</p> <p><strong>Return to work interviews. </strong>How to prepare, plan and conduct the interview and agree further action with the staff member. Includes looking at Statements for Fitness to Work.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>Other initiatives to assist in reducing employee absence are explored. Delegates are encouraged to share what they have learned, capture these points, and consider how they will integrate this in the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Absence Management and Return to Work Interviews Training?</strong></h4> <p>Managers and Supervisors who have responsibility for managing absence within any organisation.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about our Absence Management and Return to Work Interviews Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> <h4> </h4> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Employee Engagement & Retention Course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/employee-engagement-and-retention-course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/employee-engagement-and-retention-course <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 2 or 3 days. </strong>Depending on the individual needs and desired outcomes of our clients, and if they wish us to adapt and add specific content as a result.</p> <p>The costs associated with having a high turnover of staff are considerable. This is both in financial terms, and in time and effort when having to replace and train new people after key members of staff have left the business.</p> <p>This is a common problem across many industries and this course has been specifically designed to help meet this challenge.</p> <p>This interactive workshop explores common issues and working practises that are entrenched within an organisation. Delegates will examine and explore methods of engaging with staff more effectively in order to develop and retain the most loyal and valuable employees.</p> <p>The Employee Engagement and Retention course is delivered by an individual who worked for the John Lewis Partnership before embarking upon a comprehensive career within the construction industry.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Where are we now? </strong>This opening session allows delegates to take stock of the current situation, and clarify the desired outcome of the course. This includes looking at the linear approach to career progression that is so common.</p> <p><strong>What motivates people at work? </strong>The common motivational factors that cause individuals both satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace.</p> <p><strong>Measuring staff engagement. </strong>Staff Engagement Surveys and other methods of calculating, tracking and monitoring staff opinion and satisfaction.</p> <p><strong>Fostering success and building effective teams. </strong>All delegates will be asked to complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D </a>Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide valuable insights as to the importance of ensuring that team members are equipped and supported in the correct role within the business.</p> <p><strong>Management Styles. </strong>This pivotal session looks at management and negotiation styles, whilst assessing branch and company ethos. Concludes with the resulting impact different styles will have upon Staff Engagement and Retention.</p> <p><strong>Transactional Analysis. </strong>Covering the way in which staff are both communicated with and motivated by management.</p> <p><strong>Managing Performance. </strong>Assessing your team member's needs and a step by step guide to managing performance. Includes how to manage those 'difficult conversations' that need to be had to ensure that staff remain focused and motivated, and a practical coaching model to use when motivating others.</p> <p><strong>Creating advancement opportunities. </strong>How to ensure that key staff remain loyal by feeling that their career is on a trajectory to meet their aspirations. Includes succession planning to meet future challenges in a changing environment.</p> <p><strong>Mentoring and Role Modelling. </strong>This part of the course provides practical examples of how this generally under-utilised process can be of huge benefit to all concerned.</p> <p><strong>Training, Coaching and Development. </strong>The difference between these offerings, and when and where to use them. Common pitfalls to avoid and ensuring that best value is received.</p> <p><strong>Pay Reviews, Remuneration and Incentives. </strong>Getting the most from your team with available resources.</p> <p><strong>Appraisals. </strong>Ensuring that this invaluable tool is used properly to provide the most benefit to all concerned.</p> <p><strong><a href="courses/recruitment-selection">Interview Skills</a>. </strong>A session designed to highlight some of the pitfalls of poor interviewing preparation and techniques, and the obvious impact this can have. Provides practical advice, hints and tips, and an opportunity for delegates to practice what has been discussed if required.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>Delegates are encouraged to consider what steps could be taken to improve staff engagement, and therefore improve staff retention within their organisation and according to their individual needs.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Employee Engagement and Retention?</strong></h4> <p>This course deals with staff engagement on an individual, team and company level and therefore it is suitable for Company Directors, Senior Management and Branch Managers.</p> <p>It would also be suitable for the HR Professional who is considering 'rolling out' a Staff Engagement Programme across the business.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Employee Engagement and Retention, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Successful Appraisals Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/successful-appraisals-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/successful-appraisals-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>An appraisal can motivate and inspire, or waste time and damage morale and this will usually depend upon the attitude and skills of the person conducting the appraisal.</p> <p>This Successful Appraisals workshop aims to assist managers and supervisors to make the most of the opportunity that appraisals provide to really understand the employee's motivation and view of their work. This is turn will help nurture and develop potential, whilst building more productive relationships with staff in any organisation.</p> <p>We like to include the understanding and effective use of the organisation's appraisal documentation wherever possible, and with in-house training we have significant experience in shaping and adapting course content to suit organisational needs.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>What is the point of an appraisal? </strong>Understanding why appraisals are such a good opportunity to improve individual and team performance.</p> <p><strong>How to make appraisals more effective. </strong>Using clear frameworks for discussing objectives, whilst examining performance and planning development.</p> <p><strong>Organisational documentation. </strong>How to get the most of the tools that may have been provided.</p> <p><strong>Providing feedback. </strong>Finding the right words that encourage commitment and motivation without 'skirting around' any issues.</p> <p><strong>Two-way dialogue. </strong>Conducting an appraisal that encourages staff to be honest and engage in the process fully, therefore strengthening relationships and fostering commitment to change.</p> <p><strong>Objective setting. </strong>What motivates individuals and provides clear, tangible and reasonable targets.</p> <p><strong>Drafting a Development Action Plan. </strong>Dependant upon organisational requirements.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>How to follow-up after appraisals to ensure that progress is being made and commitments are being adhered to. Delegates are also encouraged to capture what they have learned during the day and how they will incorporate this in their workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Successful Appraisals Training?</strong></h4> <p>This is a must-do training course for anyone who has to conduct a performance review or appraisal, or any business owner who wants to improve staff motivation and increase productivity.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on our Successful Appraisals Training, please<a href="contact"> contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Recruitment & Selection Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/recruitment-selection-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/recruitment-selection-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 or 2 days. </strong>Dependent upon the organisational needs and required outcomes of our clients, please also see 'Who Should Attend?'</p> <p>The key to any successful team is to have the right people in the right jobs, and this applies for new recruits and for potential transfers from within the organisation.</p> <p>With candidates increasingly improving their interview techniques, how can the manager recognise the best candidate from well-rehearsed candidates who look and sound plausible?</p> <p>These Recruitment and Selection Workshops examine stages of the recruitment process and the range of techniques available to ensure that the correct choice is made.</p> <p>The subject areas below will vary depending on course duration and the individual needs of the organisation.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Why recruitment is essential to team performance. </strong>Common mistakes made when recruiting and the consequences of making the wrong decision upon individuals, teams and organisations.</p> <p><strong>Recruiting within the legal framework. </strong>Understanding the main elements of the law relating to equal opportunities and non-discrimination.</p> <p><strong>Job Specifications and Selection Criteria. </strong>The importance of not making purely emotive decisions and being able to demonstrate that a fair and reasonable process has been followed. Some of the selection methods available, and how to choose the one that is most appropriate according to the vacancy.</p> <p><strong>Short listing. </strong>The application of principles concerning the reduction of applications to a short list that is consistent and accountable.</p> <p><strong>Psychometrics and ability testing. </strong>A fascinating insight in to Character Type Recognition and the preferred behaviours of ourselves and others. This can therefore then be related to addressing the use of unconscious bias during the recruitment process, and examines how these tools are best applied when considering the suitability of candidates..</p> <p><strong>Interview Skills. </strong>Including placing candidates at ease, recognising verbal and non-verbal responses and the use of probing questions. Depending on the duration of the course, time is reserved to provide delegates with an opportunity to practice what they have learned, and to observe others in a safe and supportive environment.</p> <p><strong>Making the right choice. </strong>How to best apply and work within a structured framework and decision making process. Looking again at unconscious bias and the use of references to ensure that the right person is offered the correct job.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Recruitment and Selection Training?</strong></h4> <p><strong>The one day programme </strong>is designed for managers with basic experience of recruiting who need to become familiar with good practise and the law relating to recruitment, whilst developing intelligent probing questions to test a candidate's skills, knowledge and experience properly.</p> <p><strong>The two day programme </strong>is designed for managers who have minimal experience of recruiting and require a more in-depth learning experience.</p> <p>This workshop is practical in nature and utilises examples of recruitment documentation and legal requirements to apply to vacancy scenarios. This allows the delegate to gain valuable hands-on experience and an opportunity to practice good skills.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on our Recruitment and Selection Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Successful Interview Skills Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/successful-interview-skills-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/successful-interview-skills-training <h4> </h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Overview</strong></h5> <p> The key to any successful team is to have the right people in the correct roles, and this applies for new recruits and also potential transfers from within the organisation. This course is an alternative to our more comprehensive <a href="courses/recruitment-selection-training">Recruitment and Selection </a>two-day course, and therefore deals with the interviewing element specifically.</p> <p>With candidates increasingly improving their interview techniques and all looking and sounding plausible, managers may find it increasingly difficult to recognise the best individual for the role, and this course will assist in this regard. </p> <p>The workshop is practical in nature, using examples of recruitment documentation and legal requirements to apply to a fictitious (or forthcoming) vacancy scenario. Delegates will also be provided with an opportunity to gain 'hands-on' experience of the interview process and practice what they have learned in a safe and supportive environment. </p> <p>We always seek to work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and circumstances, and we are able to amend content according to their requirements. Below is therefore an example of typical course content. </p> <h4> </h4> <h5><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h5> <p><strong>Wrong choice? </strong>An opening session looking at why recruitment is so important for any organisation, the consequences of making the wrong decision and common mistakes that are made when recruiting.</p> <p><strong>Equal Opportunities Legislation. </strong>A brief introduction to current law and how it affects recruitment activities. Understanding the main elements of the law relating to equal opportunities and non-discrimination. </p> <p><strong>Job Specifications and Selection Criteria. </strong>The importance of not making purely emotive decisions and being able to demonstrate that a fair and reasonable process has been followed. Best practice when convening a selection panel if you are not conducting the interview alone. Drafting of the selection criteria and the use of various selection tools, plus considering the use of an Interview Scoring Sheet. </p> <p><strong>Short listing. </strong>The application of principles concerning reducing the number of applications to a short list that is consistent and accountable.</p> <p><strong>Preparation of the Interview. </strong>One of the most important parts of the training session; providing and examining a Checklist to ensure that the interview is conducted in a considered and professional manner, and that the required outcome is clear.</p> <p><strong>Interview Techniques. </strong>Considering ways of putting the potential candidate at ease and recognising verbal and non-verbal responses. Employing behavioural and probing interview questions to learn as much as possible in order to make the right decision.</p> <p><strong>Interview Practise Session. </strong>This session is commonly reported as being one of the most enjoyable and beneficial parts of the course (even if some individuals were not looking forward to it!). Mock interviews are conducted and observed allowing delegates to put in to practice what they have learned during the day. Includes how to provide feedback to unsuccessful and successful candidates.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next?</strong></p> <p>Delegates are encouraged to share their personal circumstances and experiences, to capture their 'Key Learning Points' and consider how they will implement these upon return to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Successful Interview Skills training?</strong></h4> <p>This course is designed for all managers who are responsible for conducting interviews within their role, regardless of the amount of interviewing experience they have, as we will adapt course content and how we deliver it accordingly.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Successful Interview Skills Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Team Building Workshop https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/team-building-workshop https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/team-building-workshop <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 or 2 days</strong></p> <p>This is a team building workshop as opposed to a team building event, so there are no paintballing games, chocolate making or ultimate physical challenges!</p> <p>A harmonious team will always produce the best results and we are often asked to provide a workshop that will foster increased levels of understanding, tolerance and cooperation, whilst making the learning interesting and fun. Teamwork can be defined as a co-operative effort by a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Firstly this has to involve individual team members fully understanding what 'makes them tick' by examining their personal preferences and how this affects their behaviour towards others.</p> <p>With this understanding in place, we then look at how individuals interact within a team and begin to explore the preferences and behaviours of others. The delegates may all have the same job role or have a wide variety of roles within the organisation, with a diverse skills set and varying levels of experience.</p> <p>We use a number of interactive and engaging exercises and place particular emphasis on how to recognise different character types and interact with them accordingly to achieve the best results. <strong><span style="color: red;"><a href="clarity-4d">Clarity4D</a> </span></strong>is one such tool that is utilised, which uses colours to explain and define the principles of Character Type Recognition. Delegates will therefore be asked to complete an online questionnaire before attending, and a Clarity 4D Personal Profile will be issued to them which will be explored during the training. This fascinating insight in to human interaction has proved hugely popular with thousands of delegates and is often reported to be the best part of the course!</p> <p>Groups who participate in our Team Building Workshop report a heightened level of understanding, improved communication and increased levels of trust when working with their colleagues.</p> <p>The workshops can be adapted to suit specific requirements and can include the introduction of a new initiative or working practice. We would seek to work closely with clients to ensure that needs are met, and course duration will depend on content.</p> <p>Below is some of the content that would typically be included:</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Where are we now and where are we going? </strong>Aims and objectives are defined to make sure that expectations are aligned from the beginning. This is an opportunity to let delegates know what to expect, what not to expect and to put them at ease.</p> <p><strong>Influencing and interacting with others. </strong>To understand others better, we must first understand ourselves and the Clarity 4D Personal Profile provides an excellent insight. Delegates are introduced to the four Character Types and then learn their own type and preferences.This leads to an understanding and appreciation of the differences that exist between themselves and their colleagues.</p> <p>Team roles are examined with a view to gaining a full understanding as why some people are simply better at certain types of tasks than others, and a Team Map is produced to provide an excellent perspective of an individuals position and influence within the team.</p> <p><strong>Negotiation Styles. </strong>Examining the difference between Passive, Passive-Aggressive, Aggressive and Assertive and how this is impacted upon by our own personal drives.</p> <p><strong>Transactional Analysis. </strong>Different ego states leading to the type of relationship we have with subordinates, colleagues and peers.</p> <p><strong>Assertiveness at work. </strong>This session looks at how we can build on self awareness and improve levels of confidence by recognising confidence robbers and boosters.</p> <p><strong>Communication Skills. </strong>Considering how we can modify our behaviour, often only slightly but usually to great effect when dealing with others. Using voice and body language to project the image we want to.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>Time is allowed for group discussions and for individuals to have the opportunity to explain how they prefer to be communicated with.</p> <p>This sessions often results in firm commitments to behavioural change being made after it becomes apparent to all concerned why certain frictions and issues arise in the workplace. Delegates are encouraged to capture these commitments and to decide how they will be implemented and accounted for.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Team Building Workshop?</strong></h4> <p>This workshop is designed to assist any group of individuals who want to work well together towards a common goal and reap the benefits of working in a great team.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on our Team Building Workshop, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Effective Team Meetings Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/effective-team-meetings-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/effective-team-meetings-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>There are a number of common problems with team meetings such as certain individuals talking too much whilst others decline to contribute anything meaningful, people rambling and going off of topic, nothing actually being decided and meetings overrunning to the point where people start to lose interest........do any of those issues sound familiar?</p> <p>This Effective Team Meetings Training course is designed to help a meeting leader to organise effective team meetings well and lead with confidence so that the best outcomes can be achieved in the shortest time. The content has been designed to be highly interactive, and activities are introduced to allow delegates the opportunity to practice and refine their skills in a safe environment whilst learning from each other.</p> <p>Below is an example of suggested content for the an effective team meetings course; however, we are often asked by clients to amend content to suit the specific and individual needs of the organisation we are working with, and are more than happy to do so.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>What makes a team meeting effective? </strong>Different types of team meetings and their benefits plus identifying the purpose and required outcomes, and therefore what needs to be achieved as a result. A look at the common pitfalls, the reasons for them and how they can be avoided. Different approaches to one to one meetings/supervisions and team meetings, and the most effective methods of following up on actions and outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Planning and preparation. </strong>Looking at the structure of team meetings and assigning roles and contribution to content from individuals as appropriate. Then importance of being clear as to what is expected of attendees before they arrive, and how to achieve this. Setting out the 'ground rules' clearly to all concerned and gaining agreement from attendees.</p> <p><strong>Virtual meetings. </strong>An introduction to some of the technology that is available and circumstances where virtual meeting are preferable to the more traditional approach.</p> <p><strong>Using a 'Chair's Agenda'. </strong>A session discussing the importance of using an agendas to effectively control a meeting and keep within the allotted time. Building confidence from structuring and guiding proceedings utilising this valuable tool. Includes additional  tips and hints for shortening meeting time and avoiding over-run.</p> <p><strong>Note taking.</strong> How to choose and allocate a note taker and why you should not not attempt to do this whilst running a meeting yourself. Working closely with the note taker and being clear about what and how information needs to be recorded.</p> <p><strong>Diplomacy and assertiveness</strong> in the right measure. Varying your chairing style to suit the needs of the meeting, agreeing boundaries and etiquette and controlling events without domineering. Examining group behaviours and 'reading the room' plus practical methods of dealing with difficult situations.</p> <p><strong>Practice Sessions. </strong>An opportunity to develop skills and explore what has been learned in a safe and supportive environment. This session is designed to encourage only delegates who wish to to take an active part, and is facilitated in a light-hearted and enjoyable manner. Delegates often report this part of the workshop as being one of the most enlightening and beneficial.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next? </strong>Summarising what has been learnt throughout the day and how this can be applied in the workplace. This also allows delegates to discuss some of their individual circumstances and challenges if they wish to do so.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Effective Team Meetings Training?</strong></h4> <p>Any member of staff or management team that is responsible for delivering effective team meetings.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Effective Team Meetings Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Business Planning Course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/business-planning-course https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/business-planning-course <h4 class="dub3Content"><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p class="dub3Content">Management is a balancing act – striving to achieve high performance in terms of quantity and quality, customer focus and tight budgeting, continuous improvement and good leadership.  There is a danger of trying to achieve it all but failing to achieve any of it.</p> <p class="dub3Content">Our Business Planning Course introduces and utilises the 'Balanced Scorecard' which is a planning technique that can help when setting balanced priorities for customer needs, financial targets, operational excellence and learning and growth. It provides a clear and practical approach to planning for the future which makes it easy to engage with staff along the way and encourages effective reporting on progress as it is made.</p> <p class="dub3Content">This course is often amended to suit the specific requirement of the organisation we are working with, and we would seek to engage with clients before the course to ensure we understand the needs and required outcomes that are often specific to your business. The content of our Business Planning courses would often include the following:</p> <p class="dub3Content"> </p> <h4 class="dub3Content"><strong>Subject areas covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Clarifying and gaining consensus. </strong> Looking at the key factors that set the performance agenda for the business, including vision, mission and strategy. The common links that lie between departments and functions and common denominators. Using stakeholder feedback to determine priorities.</p> <p><strong>The Balanced Scorecard. </strong>An introduction to this useful tool and it's common applications. Seeing if it is possible to translate vision, mission and strategy into Scorecard Perspectives. </p> <p><strong>Strategic targets. </strong>Identifying and setting strategic goals for each line of business.</p> <p><strong>Creating a sound basis for business planning. </strong>'Cause and effect' chains and how they determine what needs to be planned, and plotting these on to the Balanced Scorecard for each line of business. Sustaining investment in intellectual and intangible assets</p> <p><strong>Performance Measurement. </strong>A brief overview on measuring progress and providing clarity of goals for day-to-day operations and monitoring progress . Developing Scorecard templates for objectives, measures, targets and initiatives and providing a tool for organisational learning.</p> <p><strong>The Business Plan. </strong>Making a strategy in to a plan including the four processes to manage the strategy and ensure it is kept current and up to date.</p> <p>C<strong>ommunicating the plan.</strong> A session exploring the different ways of ensuring that any business plan is shared effectively with staff, from conception through to implementation, gaining staff commitment and ensuring that they are engaged in the process.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Business Planning Course</strong>?     </h4> <p>Managers and management teams who want a results-driven approach to business planning, and who wish to safeguard the future of the business. </p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on our Business Planning Course, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Strategic Thinking Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/strategic-thinking-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/strategic-thinking-training <h5><strong>Overview</strong></h5> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>Most people believe they are thinking strategically at work but avoid the essential creative element of the thought process, therefore submitting only to the logical and constructive.By doing this the germ of a great idea is often missed, and the whole picture is not considered properly because the idea was not given time to develop.</p> <p>Western culture is culpable here because it is solution orientated and achievement driven. Western education also focuses on memory and analytical comment because ideas are hard to teach and to assess on examination. However, creative thinking combined with strategic and logical thinking has formidable power in the modern workplace.</p> <p>This Strategic Thinking training course is designed to offer thinking techniques that support any team in achieving a better understanding of the challenges facing them and will assist them when they develop informed and creative plans and decisions.</p> <p>Thinking tools developed by Edward de Bono and Tony Buzan are explored along with a number of classic strategic analysis tools. This allows delegates to choose the approach that best suits their individual circumstances and learning styles.</p> <p> </p> <h5><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h5> <p><strong> What thinking tools can offer. </strong>Some examples of strategic thinking at work and different ways of thinking. Includes using the 'two halves' of the human brain to encourage successful thinking.</p> <p><strong>Attention-directing tools. </strong>The 'Six Thinking Hats' model, CAF - Consider All Factors, APC - Alternatives, Possibilities and Choices, 'Mind Mapping' and Synectics are all explored and when best to utilise them considered.</p> <p><strong>Logical Thinking and where it is most useful. </strong>Following on from the above session, Aims, Goals and Objectives along with Consequences and Sequel are tools that are utilised and examined.</p> <p><strong>Strategic Thinking. </strong>To bring the whole concept of strategic thinking together, delegates are introduced to SWOT Analysis, and the Boston Matrix. the use of Force Field Analysis is also covered, along with planning tools such as Weighting and Ranking and Critical Path Analysis.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next. </strong>Delegates will be encouraged to share their own experiences if they wish to, and to capture how they will implement what they have learned upon return to the workplace.</p> <h5> </h5> <h5><strong>Who Should Attend Strategic Thinking training?</strong></h5> <p>This workshop may be suitable for a number of different people within any organisation, depending on their role and what they are attempting to achieve.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Strategic Thinking Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Chairing Skills Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/chairing-skills-training-leadership-2 https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/chairing-skills-training-leadership-2 <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>'More meetings!' Many people see meetings as a waste of time: No clear agenda or objectives, people who dominate, no real actions decided, overrunning time.........sound familiar?? The true cost of meetings to an organisation is usually far higher than staff realise in terms of monetary expense and the drain on time, which is usually a commodity in short supply.</p> <p>This Chairing Skills Training course is designed to help a chairperson organise the meeting well, and lead it with confidence so that the best outcomes can be achieved in the shortest time.</p> <p> An opportunity is provided for delegates to practice what they have learned in a safe and supportive environment, and this session, during which individuals can learn from their colleagues, is often reported as one of the most enjoyable and useful parts of the course.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Common challenges. </strong>An introductory session looking at the various problems delegates have expereinced when attending meetings themselves, some common pitfalls and how they can be avoided.</p> <p><strong>Purpose and types of meetings. </strong>Being clear on the purpose of the meeting, what the desired outcomes are and how to structure the time allocated, and who to invite to attend as a result. Including the consideration of virtual meetings, the different ways of holding them and the possible benefits and drawbacks.</p> <p><strong>The Chair's Agenda. </strong>The importance of having a well structured agenda and allocating time constraints to each subject to be discussed. Circulating the agenda and any supporting documents well in advance of the meeting. Avoiding 'Any other Business' and encouraging attendees to request inclusion of topics in to the agenda before the meeting takes place; this avoids meeting being 'hijacked' and encourage a timely end to proceedings.</p> <p><strong>Preparing for the meeting. </strong>Ensuring that the meeting room, layout, refreshments, lighting and temperature are all conducive to an effective meeting. The importance of discussing the agenda with the <a href="courses/minute-taking-training">minute taker</a>, how you will communicate with the during the meeting and being clear as to what is expected from them.</p> <p>Assigning roles and responsibilities including establishing who will assist with the time-keeping and therefore be responsible for providing the chair with reminders if a topic is due to overrun.</p> <p><strong>Gaining agreement. </strong>Many meetings 'fail' because attendees views and understanding of how the meeting would be conducted were not aligned in the first instance and there was a lack of common purpose.</p> <p>This session provides some practical hints and tips as to how to agree some of the 'ground rules' at the beginning of the meeting. These may include 'talking through the chair', not interrupting others, respecting differing views, remaining calm at all times, not being personal, confidentiality and how time over-runs will be managed by the chair.</p> <p><strong>Managing the meeting. </strong>Using the timed agenda to ensure that the meeting and the discussions remain structured. Considering the use of a 'car park' to put any untimely comments to one side for later consideration. Ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to be heard and promoting broad participation.</p> <p>Summarising what has been discussed and agreed at strategic points during the meeting, and the effective use of comfort breaks. Understanding your personal leadership style and how others will react accordingly, and chairing the meeting in an assertive, fair and confident manner.</p> <p><strong>Meeting review. </strong>Working with the <a href="courses/minute-taking-training">minute taker</a> to ensure that the minutes are agreed and circulated promptly. reviewing the effectiveness of the meeting and how successful you were as Chairperson, following up, monitoring and reviewing agreed action points.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Chairing Skills Training?</strong></h4> <p>Anyone who has to lead a meeting and wishes to do so in an organised, effective way with an authoritative manner.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Chairing Skills Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Effective Time Management Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/effective-time-management-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/effective-time-management-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Half day or one day course</strong></p> <p>With the increasing emphasis on better results, and on giving improved customer service, organisations need to achieve more, year by year, with the same resources. Managers and employees are inevitably having to do more than one thing at a time, and need to do so without getting stressed!</p> <p>This Effective Time Management training course offers participants at all levels techniques for getting more out of their working day, for eliminating non-productive activities, for creating time to think and plan, and for making sure they do not get taken off course by the myriad of unplanned events and requests that come their way each day.</p> <p>The course length will depend on the job roles of the delegates and the circumstances and requirements of the organisation we are working with. Attendees will usually be asked to complete a time log before the course so they can assess their productivity whilst at work.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>The importance of managing time effectively. </strong>An introductory session covering some of the common pitfalls when managing time and the consequences for the individual, their colleagues and the organisation they are working for.</p> <p><strong>Effective prioritisation. </strong>How to determine which tasks are urgent and which are important and why this is often subjective according to the individual. Clarifying your own personal objectives in order to deliver business objectives.</p> <p><strong>Habitual time-loss. </strong>Delegates will have the opportunity to examine their time logs and identify unnecessary and unproductive habits and activities. How to effectively change these habits is covered......it can be harder than most people think without a little guidance. Avoiding procrastination is also covered, and why some people struggle with time management issues with other seemingly being unaffected.</p> <p><strong>'The Helicopter Scale.' </strong>Why so many individuals spend too much time on the things in life that matter the least, and how to prioritise and create time for the important tasks that make a difference both at work and at home.</p> <p><strong>'Rock in a Bucket.' </strong>Leading on from the previous session, we use this great analogy to explain one of the leading principles of the course and to inspire people to make changes when they return to work.</p> <p><strong>Organisational culture. </strong>Identifying external time wasters such as gossip, procrastination and managing pressure from management and colleagues to focus on what is important to them, but possibly not to you.</p> <p><strong>Time management tools. </strong>A session for delegates to share the different methods they use to manage their time. This will include the value of having a structure such as daily 'To Do' list, and how to use technology to assist in ensuring that important tasks are completed on time.</p> <p><strong>Handling interruptions. </strong>Hints and tips on how to deal with and manage interruptions in an assertive and the art of saying 'no' politely.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next? </strong>Delegates are encouraged to share what they have learned during the course, and to capture what they will consistently do differently when they return back to a busy workplace.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Effective Time Management Training?</strong></h4> <p>Anyone who has some discretion over how they use their time and who would like to use it more efficiently.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Effective Time Management Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Managing Change Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/managing-change-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/managing-change-training <h4> </h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <h4><strong> </strong></h4> <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p>Many organisations face almost continual change, for a variety of reasons, and these changes will affect teams and individuals in different ways.</p> <p>The impact of change can be disorientating and stressful and this course aims to assist in making sense of the reasons and consequences of change, why people react in the way they do, and how individuals can learn to deal with it positively.</p> <p>This Managing Change Training workshop can also be designed to assist managers in understanding the challenges involved in managing change and provide them with the skills necessary to support staff throughout the process.The subject areas below may well therefore alter according to the target audience and the individual circumstances and requirements of your organisation.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Have we been here before? </strong>Looking at the experience of change in the past, how well it was previously received and how successfully it was embedded in the organisation, including how this has shaped views and attitudes to current changes. </p> <p><strong>Assessing your own resistance. </strong>Identifying our own response and what needs to happen to overcome the challenges that this presents, and practical advise and assistance is provided to assist delegates in this regard.</p> <p><strong>Exploring issues in change. </strong>A session looking at the emotional responses to change and the business and personal impact of failing to deal with team member's needs and concerns.</p> <p><strong>Vision and Commitment. </strong>The importance of developing and sharing a vision and how to gain people's commitment using compelling reasons and clear objectives. Driving momentum and managing resistance utilising the correct change management strategy.</p> <p><strong>Communication.  </strong>Leading on from the previous session we look at why communication during change is the key to success and how to develop an effective communication strategy. Allowing individuals an opportunity to express their fears and frustrations is also covered.....this is important to allow individuals to move past any 'receptivity blocks' they may potentially prevent them from being engaged and committed to the process.</p> <p><strong>Minimising Stress. </strong>How to encourage others to be positive and optimistic, handle loss and overcome fear of the unknown.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next? </strong>Delegates are encouraged to share their personal circumstances and experiences, to capture what they have learned during the course and confirm how they will implement this on return to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend Managing Change Training?</strong></h4> <p>Members of management teams who are assisting, or are about to assist in managing the implementation of change within an organisation.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Managing Change Training, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Train the Trainer https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/train-the-trainer https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/train-the-trainer <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>This practical course will help delegates to make an effective contribution to the training of others in a one to one or group situation.</p> <p>The Train The Trainer course has been designed to be highly interactive, stimulating and engaging. It will provide trainers with the basic techniques and knowledge to confidently design, deliver and manage the learning process, resulting in successful training events.</p> <p>We always seek to fully understand our customers individual circumstances and requirements so we can adapt and modify the content accordingly.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Assessing training needs. </strong>How to identify factors involved in the learning process and be aware of your own style.</p> <p><strong>Effective preparation. </strong>The correct use of supporting materials such as trainers notes and visual aids such as PowerPoint or similar. Ensuring that the meeting room, layout, refreshments, lighting and temperature are all conducive to an effective training event. </p> <p><strong>Structuring the training. </strong>How to plan and design the training sessions to ensure that training is interesting and the delegates are engaged throughout, bearing in mind individual learning styles.</p> <p><strong>Training techniques. </strong>The best ways of managing activities and the training in general, and the benefits and problems with training techniques for groups and individuals. Understanding group dynamics and how to avoid common pitfalls when delivering training. Includes exploring the use of various techniques and tools to ensure delegates participate.</p> <p>We can also cover how a trainer can look, sound and come across to delegates; for instance what is appropriate to wear according to your audience.</p> <p>The importance of avoiding simple dissemination of information and how not to lose their audience with too much detail and the inevitable 'Death by Powerpoint. Placing the needs of delegates first and how to focus attention on their abilities and engagement rather than their own 'performance.'</p> <p><strong>Managing the learning. </strong>Setting the scene, putting delegates at ease and creating a good learning environment. How adults learn, different learning styles, understanding Character Type and how to challenge and fairly deal with difficult or resistant delegates with confidence. How to give constructive feedback based on your observations, and debriefing techniques to assist with this.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>Discussing and capturing what has been learnt and transferring this to the workplace.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Train The Trainer?</strong></h4> <p>Any member of a team that is required to train others in the work place, either individually or in groups.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on Train the Trainer, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Dignity at Work Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/dignity-at-work-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/dignity-at-work-training <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>Everyone in our modern society has the right to be treated with dignity and respect at work. Unfortunately it is not always something that we can take for granted, and the reality is that many people encounter negative behaviours such as harassment and bullying that undermine their dignity at work. Left unchecked these behaviours can erode people's morale, confidence and commitment and have a serious impact upon performance.</p> <p>This training is often requested because there has been an incident or complaints have been made, and this obviously needs to be addressed. Many organisations therefore request that a single individual is placed on an open course but we recommend that consideration is given to the training being 'opened up' to a wider audience within the organisation. This will prevent any feelings of being singled out and blamed, when in fact the dynamics between colleagues and between management and staff could well be having an impact upon behaviours.</p> <p>We always prefer to work closely with our customers so we can understand specific challenges and organisational requirements, and below are therefore example of examples of standard course content that can be modified and adapted to suit. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Defining dignity at work. </strong>What this means to individuals and teams and various different forms of negative behaviours including harassment and bullying. Includes the clear differences between such behaviours and a robust management style or harmless office banter. Recognising the signs of inappropriate behaviour and conduct within teams.</p> <p><strong>Legal overview. </strong>A brief introduction to the law that covers this topic and approaching some common misconceptions that many people hold.</p> <p><strong>Organisational values. </strong>Being aware of the culture and values that are embedded within the organisation they are working for, what this means in the work-place, and why this is so important for the organisation and for the staff.</p> <p><strong>Understanding others better. </strong>Delegates are often asked to complete a <a href="clarity-4d">Clarity 4D</a> Online Questionnaire which will then produce an individual report on Character Type.This report will then be used on the day to help provide valuable insights in to our own preferred behaviours and that of others. This in turn often helps people understand why individuals they interact with can react in completely different ways to the same comments, requests or situations.</p> <p><strong>Taking action. </strong>Challenging inappropriate behaviour within the context of your organisation, whilst defining and encouraging assertive staff interaction using the behaviour spectrum. Developing the skills and confidence to challenge appropriately. The impact of social media and how and why some language and behaviours previously deemed acceptable, is now generally not considered to be the case. Tips and techniques for promoting Dignity at Work - both at an individual and team level.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next. </strong>Delegates will be encouraged to share their own circumstances if they so wish to, and to capture how they will promote the development of a work-place that treats everyone with respect.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Dignity at Work Training?</strong></h4> <p>This Dignity at Work Training course is designed for supervisors, managers and staff to help them identify behaviour that may be construed as bullying and/or harassment, avoid it within their teams and identify, challenge and deal with it appropriately should it arise.</p> <p> </p> <p>You may also be interested in our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion training, <a href="courses/equality-diversity-inclusion-training-2021-03-03-18-13-47">click here</a> for more information.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information about Dignity at Work, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Handling Difficult People Workshop https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/handling-difficult-people-workshop https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/handling-difficult-people-workshop <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 day</strong></p> <p>This is a course which we find may be requested by clients for a number of reasons, as difficult people can be found in various walks of life. For example, some members of staff find it hard to communicate with other team members or their manager, and staff in customer service or sales role may also find themselves having to deal with particularly challenging customers.</p> <p>This Handling Difficult People workshop aims to provide delegates with the skills and confidence to react calmly and positively during conversations that have with people that they find difficult. The day will help individuals to understand the causes of behaviour that they find challenging, and provide them with a chance to practise the basic tools, deal with and diffuse the situation.</p> <p>All delegates will be asked to complete a <a href="contact">Clarity 4D </a>Personal Profile by completing an online questionnaire before attending the course. These Personal Profiles will then be used on the day to provide delegates with valuable insights in to their own preferred behaviour and that of others.</p> <p>This in turn can then be used to explain why people behave in certain ways, and how to modify our own behaviour, often only slightly, but often to great effect.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p><strong>Difficult - who, me? </strong>An opening session taking a light-hearted look at what defines being 'difficult', and how this view is purely subjective.</p> <p><strong>Understanding yourself and others. </strong>Character Type Recognition utilising the Clarity 4D Profiles that were previously completed. This session provides a fascinating insight in to 'Preferred Behaviour' and is an excellent tool to use when adapting and connecting with others.</p> <p><strong>Negotiation Styles. </strong>Examining the difference between Passive, Passive-Aggressive, Aggressive and Assertive and how this is impacted upon by our own personal drives.</p> <p><strong>Transactional Analysis. </strong>Different ego states leading to the type of relationship we have with subordinates, colleagues and peers.</p> <p><strong>Assertiveness at work. </strong>This session looks at how we can build on self awareness and improve levels of confidence by recognising robbers and boosters.</p> <p><strong>Body Language. </strong>A highly popular session highlighting body language and decoding various hidden clues. How to generate confidence through body language and what to avoid if you want to get the most from people.</p> <p><strong>Using your voice. </strong>How to effectively verbally communicate and project confidence and authority, even if you are feeling unsure.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What Next? </strong>All delegates are encouraged to discuss what they have learned, discuss how this could be applied back in the workplace, and commit to positive behavioural change.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Handling Difficult People Workshop?</strong></h4> <p>Anyone who wants to embrace the challenge of dealing effectively with difficult people, and to enjoy the benefits of being more confident in doing so.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you would like more information on our Handling Difficult People Workshop, please <a href="contact">contact us</a>.</p> <p> </p> Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Mental Health Awareness Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/mental-health-awareness-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/mental-health-awareness-training <h3><strong>Overview</strong></h3> <p><strong>Course duration : 1 day</strong></p> <p>Delegates will gain an understanding of common mental health illnesses and be given the confidence to promote mental health awareness in the workplace. The course gives delegates the ability to spot signs of mental ill health and the skills to support positive well-being for themselves and others. </p> <ul> <li>Learn how to take positive steps to remove stigma surrounding mental health</li> <li>Understand the different mental illnesses and how to recognise changes in behaviour</li> <li>Learn how happier staff make better, more productive staff and what you can do to support each other</li> </ul> <p>This course is delivered in a sensitive and appropriate manner but does cover subjects that some people can find distressing, including suicide and self-harm. We always encourage our clients to talk to their staff before sending them on a course if they feel that may be particularly sensitive to these sort of issues, and to ensure that they are comfortable attending.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <ul> <li>What is Mental Health First Aid</li> <li>Mental Health and stress in the workplace</li> <li>Stigma and discrimination</li> <li>Depression, anxiety disorders and other mental health issues ( eating disorders, self harm, psychosis)</li> <li>Early warning signs  of mental ill health</li> <li>Alcohol, drugs and mental health</li> <li>Suicide</li> <li>Building a mentally healthy workplace </li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>What next?</strong> Delegates will be encouraged to use action planning to embed the Mental Heath First Aid </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong> Who should attend Mental Health Awareness training?</strong></h4> <p>This course is suitable for those who want to gain a greater awareness of workplace mental health, to detect early symptoms of common mental health illnesses and the skills to support their own and others’ positive wellbeing.</p> <p> If you would like to contact us for more information on Mental Health Awareness Training please <a href="contact">click here</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Fri, 25 Oct 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Virtual Facilitation - Train The Trainer https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/train-the-trainer-virtual-facilitation https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/train-the-trainer-virtual-facilitation <h3><strong>Outline</strong></h3> <p><strong>Course Duration: Three half-day workshops</strong></p> <p>The series of workshops begins with the importance of understanding the differences between face-to-face and virtual delivery, and explores the challenges and opportunities that this training method presents.</p> <p>This leads on to how to plan, prepare and structure a well-paced and engaging workshop, placing emphasis on the need to embrace the art of facilitation as opposed to simply training. This approach will result in an interactive and enjoyable experience for learners, with their attention held throughout.</p> <p>Feeling confident with using a virtual delivery platform is paramount for any trainer, therefore practical guidance and useful hints and tips on the platform of choice are shared with delegates to help them feel confident when facilitating their own courses.</p> <p>Delegates will have the opportunity to deliver a short session in a safe and supportive environment, and will be able to share their challenges and successes with their peers.</p> <p>By the end of the three half-day workshops delegates will be able to:</p> <ul> <li>Describe the six key points (EMBEDS) that need to be in place to ensure high quality virtual learning</li> <li>Write objectives based on expected online learning outcomes</li> <li>Overcome challenges associated with engaging learners online</li> <li>Demonstrate a versatile approach to gathering varied content for a course</li> <li>Practise course delivery by presenting a ten minute segment of prepared topic online</li> </ul> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong></h4> <p> </p> <h5><strong>An introduction to virtual learning</strong></h5> <p>What constitutes virtual learning and the challenges and opportunities that are involved. When virtual learning is appropriate, and when other options may need to be considered. Delegates will be encouraged to share their concerns and frustrations as well as sharing their positive experiences.</p> <h5><strong>The ‘Six-part Formula’</strong></h5> <p>EMBEDS – Easy to join, Manageable pieces, Balanced presentation, Engaging content, Delivered with energy, Supported with rules.</p> <h5><strong>Objective setting</strong></h5> <p>Being completely clear on what is required from the training, and checking this against measurable objectives utilising verbs.</p> <h5><strong>Creating a format and preparing a great course</strong></h5> <p>Understanding why virtual training cannot simply be the delivery of face-to-face content online, and exploring how to structure and facilitate shorter, more ‘punchy’ sessions involving consistent delegate participation.</p> <h5><strong>Keeping delegate’s attention</strong></h5> <p>This is one of the biggest challenges with virtual facilitation, and delegates will examine how to get the balance right in order to achieve high engagement levels. Understanding when and how to adjust personal energy to keep delegates engaged and not just observing.</p> <h5><strong>Technical issues</strong></h5> <p>Issuing clear instructions so that people know when to join the session and what to expect. Technical checks, and when to switch on to ensure a timely start. The use of waiting rooms and breakout sessions.</p> <h5><strong>Content variety</strong></h5> <p>Finding the visual aids, spoken words and discussions, written work and activities that lend themselves to online learning.</p> <h5><strong>Prepare, practise and deliver a great session</strong></h5> <p>Delegates will be asked to prepare and practise for the delivery of a ten minute piece of training, bringing together all parts of EMBEDS, to their peers on the final half-day session.</p> <h5><strong>What Next?</strong></h5> <p>Delegates will be encouraged to share their own experiences if they wish tio, and to capture what they have learnt and how they will implement this upon return to the workplace.</p> <h3><strong>Who Should Attend Virtual Facilitation – Train the Trainer Course?</strong></h3> <p>This series of workshops are designed for individuals who are new to delivering and facilitating virtual sessions, or for those who are already delivering virtually but feel they would benefit from some assistance and</p> Wed, 11 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/equality-diversity-inclusion-training https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/equality-diversity-inclusion-training <p><strong>Course duration: Half day or whole day option available</strong></p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Overview</strong> </h4> <p>There are significant benefits in promoting an equal, diverse and inclusive workforce including supporting and encouraging a positive working environment, and reducing organisational risk.</p> <p>When training virtually it is especially important that delegates remain engaged at all times, and we adopt a delivery style to suit. There are also plenty of breaks throughout the training and we utilise breakout rooms on virtual platforms to encourage attendees to share knowledge and experiences.</p> <p>Delegates are therefore involved throughout, slides kept to a minimum and emphasis placed upon workbooks as opposed to delegate packs.</p> <p>For those with enquiring minds, we support this simple approach by offering a wealth of reading material sources and extra information which people can refer to should they wish to learn more.</p> <p>The subject areas below would normally be included but will vary depending on the individual needs of the attendees and the organisation.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong> </h4> <p><strong> The definition</strong> of equality, diversity, inclusion and the differences between them.</p> <p> <strong>The benefits </strong>of having an equal, diverse, inclusive workforce and how this affects everyone in the organisation.</p> <p><strong> The nine protected characteristics</strong> as defined by law under the Equality Act of 2010, and what these mean to us as individuals.</p> <p> <strong>The six types of discrimination</strong>: Direct, indirect, by association, by perception, harassment and victimisation.</p> <p> <strong>How to identify and avoid the six types of discrimination</strong> in our own behaviour including active/passive by standing and exploring inevitable unconscious bias. Examining best practice approaches, particularly in areas  such as recruitment.</p> <p> <strong>Identifying behaviours, language and attitudes</strong> that promote equal and inclusive working relationships.</p> <p> <strong>What to do</strong> when facing or witnessing unfair treatment at work. Particular emphasis upon ensuring that delegates are aware of the policy and procedures in place within their own organisation.</p> <p> <strong>Our individual responsibilities</strong> and the potential consequences of not complying with the regulations.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> What next?</strong> Delegates will be encouraged to identify any changes that need making upon return to the workplace, and to formulate a clear plan to ensure these are implemented.</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who Should Attend Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training?</strong></h4> <p>Directors, managers and staff would all normally benefit from attending this course.</p> <p> </p> <p>You may also be interested in our Dignity at Work training. <a href="courses/dignity-at-work-training">Click here</a> for more information</p> <p> </p> <p>  </p> <p style="text-align: left;">If you would like more information on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion training, please <a href="contact">contact us.</a></p> Wed, 03 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Values Based Recruitment https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/values-based-recruitment https://www.learning2xl.com/courses/values-based-recruitment <h4><strong>Overview</strong></h4> <p><strong>Course duration: 1 or 2 days. </strong>Dependent upon the organisational needs and required outcomes of our clients, please also see 'Who Should Attend?'</p> <p>The key to any successful team is to have the right people in the right jobs, and this applies for new recruits and for potential transfers from within the organisation. </p> <p>With individuals increasingly improving interview techniques, how can the manager recognise the best candidate from well-rehearsed interviewees who look and sound plausible? </p> <p>When making the move towards values-based recruitment your teams must understand how to recruit having considered a candidates attitude as well as their skills. </p> <p>These workshops examine the various stages of the recruitment process, and harness your organisational values to ensure that the correct choice is made. The subject areas below will vary depending on course duration and the individual needs of the organisation. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Subject Areas Covered</strong> </h4> <p><strong>Defining Values Based Recruitment. </strong>Gaining an understanding of what values-based recruitment is and the purpose it serves in the modern workplace.  </p> <p><strong>Why recruitment is essential to team performance. </strong>We examine the importance of making the right recruitment decisions, and ensuring that the whole team align and focus upon effective delivery.</p> <p><strong>Recruiting within the legal framework. </strong>Understanding the main elements of the law relating to fair employment, with some common pitfalls to avoid. Includes a fascinating insight into unconscious bias. </p> <p><strong>Job Specifications and Selection Criteria. </strong>We explore some of the selection methods available, and decide how to choose the one that is most appropriate according to the vacancy. </p> <p><strong>Short listing. </strong>This is an area of real concern to many, and we look at how to apply clear principles when reducing the number of applications to a short list that is consistent and accountable. </p> <p><strong>Psychometrics and ability testing. </strong>The benefits of utilising these powerful tools, how to get the most from them, and deciding when it is appropriate to use them. </p> <p><strong>Interview Skills. </strong>This popular part of the workshop<strong> </strong>covers the best ways to put candidates at ease, how to recognise verbal and non-verbal responses and the use of well-structured probing questions. </p> <p><strong>Making the right choice.  </strong>We study<strong> </strong>the decision-making process, again referring to the importance of understanding unconscious bias, and include how to request and use references effectively. </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Who should attend our Values Based Recruitment course?</strong></h4> <p><strong>The one-day programme</strong>. Designed for managers with a good basic experience of recruiting who need to become familiar with current best practice and the law relating to recruitment. Delegates will also develop intelligent probing questions to test a candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience effectively.</p> <p><strong>The two-day programme</strong>. Designed for managers who have minimal experience of recruiting and require a more in-depth learning experience.</p> <p>This workshop is practical in nature and utilises examples of recruitment documentation and legal requirements to apply to vacancy scenarios. This allows the delegate to gain valuable hands-on experience and an opportunity to practice their skills.</p> <p>If you are interested in knowing more about our Values Based Recruitment course, please <a href="contact">contact us</a> today.</p> <h3> </h3> <p> </p> <p> </p> Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000